My world has been a little gloomy lately so I decided to warm things up by sharing with you a positive article I just read. Besides it is time to get back on track with being positive even though I have a depressive soul and learning to keep loving myself and this wonderful world I live in. I was sent this particular article in my email because I subscribe to Oprah.com's Spirit Newsletter. In this brief article Gary Zukav talks about creating your own authentic power and being humble in order to fall in love with this wonderful world.
How to Fall in Love with the Whole World
by Gary Zukav
The characteristics of an authentically empowered personality are humbleness, clarity, forgiveness and love. Each time you have the courage to feel the sensations beneath the impulse to shout in anger, withdraw in jealousy, judge or disdain, or need to please, for example, and instead of acting on it, act from the healthiest part of yourself that you can access—even if that means simply remaining motionless or silent with a good intention for the person or people you are with, you create authentic power. The more you create authentic power, the more the characteristics of authentic power become yours, and the more meaning, purpose and joy enter your life.

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